Character- fingerprint of your soul

Advaitha Lingeswaran
3 min readOct 8, 2020
Swami Chinmayananda

Character is formed from the repeated choice and thoughts and actions. Make the right choice.

This quote was told by Swami Chinmayananda he was a Hindu spiritual leader and a teacher who inspired the formation of Chinmaya Mission, a worldwide non-profit organization, to spread the knowledge of Advaita Vedanta, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and other ancient Hindu scriptures.

so, to broadly explain this quote, our character is formed or moulded by the thoughts in our mind.

So now, I pondered how our thoughts in our minds transforms into our character or how our thoughts are connected to our character. To answer that we have to comprehend a process or levels or in a better way the evolution of a simple thought to a person’s character.

1st level: Thoughts; they become words.

Thoughts, they are the ideas, reactions, judgements, beliefs, etc. they are the most basic level of all.

We all have thoughts, and sometimes we can’t resist but to communicate our thoughts to the people and to do that we use our voice, language, words. Of course, there are other ways to communicate like art dance music etc. but the simplest way is words. so, our thoughts when we communicate it becomes words, that’s the first level.

2nd level: words; they become actions.

The next level is this our words become actions.

so now that we have our words whatever we say we do it for example we see some food we like, our thought is we want to eat it so we tell that to someone who has it “can I eat that” if they allow, we eat that that’s our action eating.

3rd level: actions; they become habits.

now that we have all our actions, we do it incessantly or regularly which in turn becomes a habit. We all have habits good and bad but think about how it started .it started as thoughts like I want to draw I want to sing and you do it and if you like it you continue to do it that, which becomes a habit, Or a hobby in this case.

4th level: habits; they become character.

now the last level, habits to character. from the examples above when drawing becomes a habit, we like to call ourselves artists. I like to dance and it is a habit and hobby for me I like to call myself as a dancer. Now that’s one way of looking at it the other way is let’s take helping others after some time that becomes a habit and it goes into our personality and character and makes us who we are emotionally. that’s the 4th and final level.

Apart from all these levels the most important part lies in the end as said in the last line of the quote: “MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE”

we have all heard the saying “good thought lead to good actions”

We all get different thoughts, but we need to highlight the good ones like reading, exercising, etc. We need to take the good ones right from the 1st level that is thoughts and if we capture these good thoughts it becomes easy to make it a habit, rather than changing in the end. So, let’s gather our good thoughts and lead it to a good character.



Advaitha Lingeswaran

Swiftie heart. Writer mind. Reader eyes. Crocheter hands. Dancer all the way.